Two action-packed days of meeting plants, learning wild medicines and foods, making medicine, and diving into the fundamentals of Western herbalism. Learn self-sufficiency in using plants to care for yourself and your family. Brand new to plants as medicine? This is a great introduction. Been playing with plants for a while? You will still get a lot out of the weekend.

When: August 17th &18th 2024 Time: 10 am - 4 pm
Cost: $250 for both days $125 single day
Location: Wellspring Ranch Bayfield, CO

Anna Marija Helt, Ph.D- Microbiologist, Certified Clinical Herbalist, Owner of Osadha Natural Health LC

Dr. Aaylah Wellspring ND- Naturopathic Doctor, Herbalist, CEO Wild Fed LLC, Wellspring Naturopathic Medicine LLC

 In this fun and informative weekend you will learn/explore:

• Herbal First Aid Lab

• Plant identification walk

• Medicine Making

• Basic Botany

• Understanding herbs through our senses (Organoleptics)

• Plant Spirit Meditations with Sound Bath

Schedule: Saturday, Aug 17th 10-4pm

10-10:30am Orientation

10:30- 11:30am Botany- Plant families

11:30- 12:30pm Herb walk- Doctrine of Signatures, Wild Foods

12:30-1pm Lunch

1-2:30pm Medicine making- pine

2:30-4pm Sound bath, plant meditation, circle share

Sunday Aug 18th 10-4 pm

10-11:00am Organoleptic's- tasting, samples

11:00- 12:00am- Botany Part 2

12:00-1:00pm Sitting with plant, drawing, journaling

1:30-2:00pm Lunch

2:00-3:30pm Herbal First Aid- medicine-making lab

3:30- 4pm Closing Circle- what was your favorite part of the weekend, what was your favorite plant


• We will be outside for both days, weather permitting. This is Colorado, so please be prepared for anything.

• Food - Students are responsible for their own meals

• Lodging - There is camping at nearby Vallecito Lake or Lemon Lake and in the greater area (Junction Creek in Durango, La Plata Canyon….). There are numerous motels/hotels/other lodging options in Bayfield and nearby Durango. Camping at the Wellspring is also an option. There are bathrooms and a wooded forest area for privacy and shade.

Location: Wellspring Ranch, Bayfield, CO (specific address will be given when you sign up)

*Schedule may change as weather permits Please register and make your payment by August 9th to hold your spot.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cancel your registration for classes, workshops, or plant/mushroom walk one or more weeks or more before the scheduled event, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel within one week before the event, your registration you will be refunded the total amount minus the $50 registration fee. Scholarships are available. Email Aaylah at to inquire about this possibility.